___ ___ ___ ___ ___ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\__\ /\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ \:\ \ /:/ / /::\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ \:\ \ /:/ / /:/\:\ \ /::\~\:\ \ /::\~\:\ \ /::\ \ /:/ / /::\~\:\ \ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/\:\__\ /:/__/ /:/\:\ \:\__\ \/__\:\ \/__/ \/_|::\/:/ / /:/ \/__/ \:\ \ \/_|::\/:/ / \:\__\ |:|::/ / /:/ / \:\ \ |:|::/ / \/__/ |:|\/__/ \/__/ \:\ \ |:|\/__/ |:| | \:\__\ |:| | \|__| \/__/ \|__| I don't owe you shit, and there's the door >>> [door emoji]


It was then that J realised that the old systems of power were still in place...2021-02-28 | 22:00

Not much happened this week:

Fuck R2D2 and the Horse He Rode in on2021-02-20 | 19:46

Washing machines. What a crock of shit, eh? Yeah they're good for cleaning your clothes, but when you need to fix them they're a right fucking pain in the nuts. Our machine was leaving clothes wet after a wash/rinse/spin cycle. I checked the filter and there was a bit of gunk, so I cleared that out. I also tipped the washing machine on its side, reached up inside it, and furtled with its drain pump. The pump was full of manky gunk that made me heave. Four years of accumulated gunk. RAS. I cleaned up the pump and put it back where it belongs. Fired up a rinse/spin cycle, and enjoyed the show. The washing machine drained as it should. The spin cycle? Fuck me, the spin cycle. The washing machine would only half-heartedly spin the load before giving up. What the shit? I headed off to the internet and learned that I could make my washing machine spit out an [error code], so I did just that. "E18". An unbalanced load? That's been the cause of our washing machine woes for the past few months? And I took the washing machine apart for this? FML, dawg. I put on a new load, made sure it was balanced, and set the washing machine going. I went away. I came back. The load wasn't sodden. There was much rejoicing.

Shitty Python Furtling Attempt #37,2762021-02-13 | 10:35

What's this? the first update of 2021? You bet your sweet angus it is! I was browsing [/r/wallstreetbets] last night to see what the current state of $GME was. Not good if you bought at $300! I saw a post where the user had claimed 500% returns in 2020 using their one wierd trick: gathering a list of stonks over the week, putting them on bits of paper, puttting the bits of paper on the wall, and then throwing darts at them. Highly scientific. This got me to thinking that I could cobble something together in Python to select stonks at random, from a list input by the user, without causing damage to my walls. It's a bit simple but it seems to work. The code: It's probably buggy and sub-optimal as all hell, but it's available here if you're interested: [DOWNLOAD]
